Current Appointments View

The Current appointments View displays:

  • All booked appointments within the next hour and the patient status
  • DNAs from the previous hour

The Current appointments View is designed for quickly checking patients in.

To display the Current Appointments View, select View Today's Current Appointments from either the Reception or Dashboard Views.

An appointment displays if the status is:

  • Booked
  • Arrived
  • Waiting
  • In Consultation
  • Overdue
  • DNA

To use the Current Appointments View you can:

  • Scroll through the appointments list as required.
  • Select the patient's appointment status to move it on to the next stage, for example, from booked to arrived , see Appointment Status - Overview for details.
  • View the waiting time of a patient, this displays until their status is updated to In Consultation :

  • Apply a filter to refine the view, see Applying or Editing Filters for details.
  • Select a patient’s name to access the Pateint Details View, see Patient Details View for details.
  • Right click on an appointments to change slot type, change status, move, copy or cancel:

To close the Current Appointments View, select outside of the view.

Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.